If you wish to explore the vast world of robotics, manual robotics is the best way to start the journey. Get your bots ready to traverse the arena of all possible terrains like sand, pebbles, marbles, grease and also the obstacles, bridges, cliffs and a lot more. Expect to get your survival skills challenged as your bot gets struck in sand or is about to fall down a cliff.


Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. - MICHAEL JORDAN.
So, all the football fans out there, boot your bots up the for most thrilling Robo-Soccer event of the season. Get ready to score goals, defend against your opponents, get penalties and a lot more. This event is all about designing a manual robot which is capable of playing football.


Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. - MICHAEL JORDAN.
So, all the football fans out there, boot your bots up the for most thrilling Robo-Soccer event of the season. Get ready to score goals, defend against your opponents, get penalties and a lot more. This event is all about designing a manual robot which is capable of playing football.


Robotics and other combinations will make the world, pretty fantastic compared with today. ~ Bill Gates
Yes of course because it has a functional utility to follow same instructions for all time. So mainly robots are a follower who follows a path or track. Human also a line follower but they make mistake while following the track to fulfil their desire but can your bot has this accuracy to reach its final destination without making any mistakes. So this year phoenix gives you a chance to prove your skill and test your bot accuracy. This Phoenix presents a line following with dual colour to check your bot’s artificial intelligence.


Is finding solutions to errand problems your forte? Are you the code-solver friend that we all have? Well if yes, then Phoenix’23 brings to you the opportunity to showcase your coding skills to the world. So, come and participate with the best programmers out there.


Code your way out! A pair event, where not only your coding skills but also your agility and compatibility will play a key factor. Well how much does your partner knows you? Enough to understand your errant codes? Well you will get to know it all, just solve the problem and code your way out.


Web design is an art wrapped in functionality.
Webscape is the static webpage development event of Phoenix’23. The ultimate goal of this event is to help participants show their creativity and sense of functionality through simplicity. But remember, a website isn’t only about how it looks, but also how it works.